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Does Car Insurance Pay for Repairs?

Car insurance is a must-have for any driver. It protects us financially in case of accidents, theft, and other unexpected events. However, many drivers are still unsure about what exactly their car insurance covers. One of the most common questions is whether car insurance covers repairs. In this blog post, we’ll explore this question and provide you with all the information you need to know.

Different types of insurance

First, it’s important to understand the different types of car insurance coverage as this will have some bearing on whether or not your repair work will be covered.

Third Party Only (TPO)

This is the minimum level of cover required by the law. It covers damages or injuries caused by your vehicle to other people or their property but does not cover you or your vehicle.

Third Party, Fire and Theft (TPFT)

This type of insurance covers damages to other people or their property, as well as theft of your vehicle or damage caused by fire.


This is the highest level of cover and covers damages to other people or their property, theft of your vehicle or damage caused by fire as well as accidental damage to your own vehicle.

So, does my car insurance cover repairs?

The answer is yes, but it depends on the type of coverage you have. If you have collision or comprehensive coverage, your insurance will cover the cost of repairs to your car, up to the limit of your policy. However, you’ll still need to pay your excess, which is the amount you’re responsible for paying before your insurance kicks in.

For this reason, it’s worth considering whether or not the extent of the damage will be worth initiating a claim and paying your excess or, alternatively, simply gathering a few quotes from local repair shops and paying for the work out of your own pocket. Remember, that if you make a claim to cover damage repair this could affect future premiums and also any no claims discounts you may be currently taking advantage of.

Are all repairs covered by comprehensive car insurance?

It’s important to note that there are some limitations to what car insurance will cover when it comes to repairs. For example, if the cost of repairs exceeds the value of your car, your insurance company may declare your car a total loss and pay you the actual cash value of your car, rather than covering the cost of repairs. 

does my car insurance cover repairs

Additionally, if you have an older car, your insurance company may only pay for repairs up to the car’s actual cash value, rather than the cost of repairs.

Do I pay for car repairs if the accident wasn’t my fault?

Another factor to consider is whether you’re at fault for the accident. If you’re at fault, your insurance will still cover the cost of repairs to your car if you have collision coverage, but your rates may go up as a result of the accident. If you’re not at fault, you may be able to file a claim with the other driver’s insurance company and have their insurance cover the cost of repairs.

Can I arrange all repairs myself?

Being without a car is massively inconvenient, and sometimes an insurance claim can take some time to go through.

As tempting as it may be, if you want to get reimbursed by your insurance, do not attempt to handle car repairs on your own. In the case of significant damage, a claims assessor will need to inspect the vehicle and approve any repairs. It is possible that the assessor will determine that the repair costs outweigh the car’s value, resulting in the vehicle being declared a write-off. As we mentioned, in such a scenario, you will receive a sum of money equivalent to the car’s worth.

Additionally, if the insurance company requires you to take your car to one of their approved repair shops, you shouldn’t arrange for repairs on your own, as the insurance company could deny your claim.

Can I choose where I get my car repaired if I make an insurance claim?

In some cases, you may also be able to choose where you get your car repaired. If you have a preferred repair shop, you can ask your insurance company if they work with that shop and if they’ll cover the cost of repairs there.

However, as mentioned above, if you choose a repair shop that’s not on your insurance company’s list of approved shops, you may be responsible for paying the difference in cost.

Does insurance cover faulty car parts?

Although modern cars are dependable, their parts may wear out or malfunction, and standard car insurance policies will not provide coverage for this. If your car is still relatively new, the manufacturer’s warranty may still be valid, and it will cover any necessary repairs that are caused by faulty or malfunctioning components. However, if the warranty has expired, you may be able to purchase an extended car warranty that covers specific repairs.

A guide to car insurance car repair by Southend Smart Repairs

In conclusion, car insurance does cover repairs, but it depends on the type of coverage you have and the circumstances of the accident.

If you have comprehensive coverage, your insurance will cover the cost of repairs up to the limit of your policy, minus your deductible. However, there may be limitations and factors to consider, such as the age of your car, the cost of repairs, and whether you’re at fault for the accident. It’s always important to read your policy carefully and understand what it covers before you need to file a claim.

So there you are — all you need to know about getting your car repaired as part of an insurance claim.

If you’re based in Essex and are looking for a reputable team of car body repair specialists who guarantee a showroom finish with every fix, then don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team at Southend Smart repairs. We’re always happy to give expert advice and free quotes before we start any work.

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